Thursday, April 15, 2010

iPhone Jail Breaking and iPhone OS 4 (Video)

The iPhone is one of the most popular cell phones of all time and there are many ways to get more out of this phone than the standard features.  One of the most controversial ways to get the most out of the iPhone and iPhone 3gs is to "jailbreak" it. This simply means hacking Apples iPhone software so you can take control of the operating system.  This allow an iPhone user to install third party software and use certain features like Internet tethering that may be locked down by the standard Apple software.

There is a crazy amount of people who have done this "jailbreak" to their iPhones. Some with more success than others.  However, even when you really mess the phone up, you can always restore it from good old iTunes.  So here is a recent story we ran across that shows off the jailbreak technique and the new Apple iPhone firmware V 4.
Although Apple has made it perfectly clear it will not enable multitasking on the iPhone 3G due to “hardware limitations” (specifically its 128MB of RAM and 400MHz processor), iPhone hacker cdevwill quickly discovered that an unbelievably simple modification of the N82AP.plist will enable multitasking on the iPhone 3G. 

Wouldn’t you know it, today a video was posted to YouTube which shows an jailbroken iPhone 3G with the modified .plist running multitasking as if it were no big deal. While it’s tempting to say Apple is simply restricting multitasking to the iPhone 3GS and up for the sake of hardware sales, it must be remembered that the APIs which actually allow for processes to run in the background are not implemented in any of the applications running in the video. 

In all likelihood, simply streaming music from Pandora while switching between playing Doodle Jump and firing off some tweets would likely bring the iPhone 3G to its knees. We mean, just look how painfully long it takes to open up the Clock application. But that’s just our take. Check out the video after the jump and let us know yours.


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